What are the Top Sources of Real Estate Leads?

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Buyer Side Lead Generation Sources

Jay points out that agents get buyer leads mostly from their own contacts, but is this because that’s all most agents to get their leads?  If they’re doing online lead generation at all, or well, they won’t be getting much action there.[/vc_column_text]

Seller Side Real Estate Leads

It’s the same for seller side leads. Most buyers are sellers so they’re going to go online before they sell for one reason or another. As a realtor, you just have to be online in the right locations and voila, they see you. That one seller you get contacted by, may know others who are selling too. They usually share that infomation too.

Jay mentions that one agent lost a sale from one of his top contacts because he wasn’t in touch with them, and they went with another agent.  If you’ve got 500 contacts, ya, it would be tough to keep tabs on them all, and one could slip through your fingers.

The internet can be used to build personal contacts and it’s a fantastic source of buyers and sellers looking for a home or agent.  Real estate agent, you may not know, is a popular search term on Google search and is one of the most expensive keyword phrases you can bid on in Google Adwords. Many people aren’t acquainted with a real estate agent, or they’ve simply forgotten names.


If the agent had been doing social listening (predictive analytics) he might have known quickly that his client was making noises about buying and selling. So even though he had the client in his stable, it actually meant nothing. The internet is a more active medium and keeps you on your toes.

Here’s a number of graphics showing potential lead sources. What do you think?

This graphic from Agent Jet shows that Facebook advertising may be becoming one of the better lead sources due to its excellent demographic targeting.

Survey by Private Communities about best real estate sales prospects.

The Top 10 Best Lead Sources

Here’s the top 10 best sources of real estate leads. If you don’t like the order, then please leave a comment and give your reason for which lead sources are the best.

  1. New meetings with people: phoning, socializing, and door knocking — talking to as many people as possible builds your local network. 50 introductions should create a lead.
  2. Past clients and your Contact Database — send them info they can’t get anywhere else – market updates, just solds, and become the local expert they can rely on for insight they want
  3. Online Leads — Google and Youtube indexes your videos, website pages, blog posts and social media posts and presents them to prospects who area searching for homes.  Being in those searches is critical. If you have a high traffic generating site, it could brings tens of thousands of visitors and out of that volume, a lot of excellent prospects and new clients.
  4. Outdoor Billboards and Transit ads – Still very visible in local areas but takes time and persistene to pay off (perhaps years)
  5. Passive Expireds – they didn’t sell their home. Why?
  6. Open Houses are an invitation via email, social media message, or yard sign.  It gives you a face-to-face opportunity to meet people interested in buying or selling a home. You can hand out business cards to those who are curious and get them to look at your website and start searching on it.
  7. Yard signs – your sign gets seen in action in your target neighbourhoods, thus drawing attention and getting people thinking about selling their house themselves
  8. Realtor.com or Realtor.ca – major associations listings from your feed
  9. Major Brokerages  –  Remax, Centur21, Coldwell Banker and Keller Williams something dish out leads who came to their offices (walk-ins) or online searches at their brokerage website.
  10. Online Lead Generation Companies – They do mass advertising campaigns on Google, Yahoo, Facebook, Twitter, and other websites as their lead farm. Check out which are the best lead generation companiesand evaluate which are worth a try.

Jay Sherer mentions that one agent reportedly paid $8400 to Zillow for leads. That’s great yet you can do better if you get yourself front and center online. Don’t think that Realtor.com, Zillow, Trulia, Remax and all the rest of the big portals are too competitive. They aren’t. I beat them and so can you. Great content and really good real estate SEO can make you a high traffic, online lead generator comparable to the best lead generation companies.

Call me and let’s get started!