How To Generate Real Estate Leads Using Facebook Ads


💩 Fact: There are 6 & 7 Figure 💵 Real Estate Agents that work less than you do and earn more than you do 🙈. It's a tough 💊 to swallow.

What have they mastered that you haven't?

Lead generation and Leverage. Also known as rainmaking ☔️.

😡 I’ve tried FB ads and it didn’t work.
🚀 I boosted posts and didn’t get anything.
👻 I didn’t get any leads.

I went through the same thing . Until I decided to pay $3000.00 for a course 🎓 that I mastered, successfully used, and now teach my agents for free.

I’m going to teach you how to create & run ONE SIMPLE AD. That’s it. Just 1️⃣ one ad. Once you master this one ad, you’ll be able to create multiple variations ♻️ THAT WORK.

I’ll teach you:
💥 How to create a campaign.
How to build and create and 🎯 audience.
📋 How to ethically "borrow" someone else's sales copy.
📱 How to use your smart phone to film and create an ad in 45 minutes or less.

👹 Don't take my word for it. Just check your FB or Insta feeds. There are few to no Real Estate Agents going all in on FB advertising.

How many real estate ads from individual agents do you see on your wall other than this one❓What does that tell you about the competition❓There really isn’t any‼️

It won't be like this forever 🎱.

📩 There was a time when you'd open every email.
👀 There was a time when you'd look at the ads on the sidebar of a website-including FB's sidebar.
These trends come and go.

Only a few of you will take my word for it. That's okay 👌. I'm already doing what I'm teaching. 🔥🔥 Learn more here :