Three Ways To Make A Good First Impression

The First Impression

Today in real estate, and in many different professions, your initial “early introduction” is either via a mailbox prospecting letter or card in the mail, a blog post, or a page on your website.

That means your words should be “right.” They have to sound benevolent and conversational, and be free from glaring grammar, word usage, and spelling mistakes. They don’t have to be the sort of “proper” that would please your High School English teacher – and in fact shouldn’t. That sort of writing isn’t well disposed or conversational. It’s generally stiff and boring.

Your words also have to be centered around your readers, and on how their issues can be explained or their wants satisfied when they have your assistance. Please, please, please never start a letter with “I want… ”

You do need to pass on your expertise, yet you can do it unpretentiously through the information you present, and you can share it in your agent bio – the main page on your site which ought to be “About You.” And yes, even that page should center around how your identity is a benefit to your clients.

The Second “First” Impression

Be Prepared. While answering asks at lightning speed is desirable, on the off chance that you know why they’re calling, as with a request about a particular listing, take 45 seconds to look into the information and have it in front of you. Audit it while the phone is ringing. On the off chance that you get inquiries from potential listing clients, keep a duplicate of your latest market report handy for fast referral.

Have your appointment book handy, so you can plan a meeting.

Think a pleasant idea and put on your grin before you answer or dial the phone. A smiles shows via phone, so don’t dial without it!

Obviously, if this was an Internet lead, you may not have a phone number to call. However, in the event that you do, make the a large portion of it! In case you’re emailing back – grin and feel gratitude for the lead before you start to type.

The Final “First” Impression

This time it will be face to face. Here’s the way to make it not simply great, but rather great:

Dress appropriately. I can’t disclose to you what that is in your particular market, however I can reveal to you what it isn’t, because I’ve seen it many circumstances. It’s not baggy sweatpants. It’s not an old shirt that you’d wear to wash the car. It’s not a 3-piece suit or a dress and foot sole areas in case you will rundown or show farm land or steed property. It’s not a smooth cocktail dress. (Yes, I saw that at 10 a.m. in a real estate office.)

Be on time. There’s no better way to make a bad impression than to appear late. I don’t know whether being late and unapologetic, or late, apologetic, hurried, and frazzled is more regrettable. Both can destroy your chances of a decent relationship.

On the off chance that something happens (like a flat tire or a disaster area on the road ahead of you) and you can’t make it on time, take an opportunity to call. Never leave people sitting there waiting and thinking about whether you’ll appear at all.

Wear a smile. You’re glad that you have the opportunity to meet and work with new clients. Show it with a bona fide, warm grin. Give them a chance to feel that you’re happy to meet them.

Again – Be prepared. Regardless of whether you’re setting off to a listing appointment or meeting with a buyer, prepare yourself. Have the information you require on hand.

In the event that it’s a listing and the home has been recorded previously, have information about those past listings. Know the assessed value. Think about the school locale. To put it plainly, have the capacity to bind your inquiries to information you can’t get on line or at the County recorder’s office. At that point – know the comps in the area.

Obviously – have listing or purchase paperwork with you and have the capacity to explain each paragraph.

In case you’re meeting with a buyer, be prepared to talk about buyer agency and have the frame with you. Be ready to take notes on their inclinations. In the event that you have buyer want/require shapes, have them handy.

On the off chance that you have an appointment to appear or examine homes in a certain area, know the answers to basic buyer inquiries concerning that area.

Being prepared will awe your potential clients in two ways. With the information, obviously, yet additionally with your relaxed and sure attitude – the attitude that originates from being prepared.

Note that there’s a colossal distinction amongst different and arrogant. We trust certainty while we timid away from arrogant. So don’t invest energy bragging about yourself and your accomplishments. Instead, center around your prospects and demonstrate to them what you can improve the situation them in more inconspicuous ways.

Pay attention to non-verbal communication. In case you’re talking excessively, your prospects will start to squirm, take a gander at the time, or hint at other wanting to escape. Stop and set the attention back on them. Do they have questions? Ask them.

Be positive. Nobody yet a total malcontent appreciates being around a Negative Nellie, so take a positive approach, regardless of whether there are a few negatives to handle.

Pay genuine compliments. Regardless of whether it’s about the house, about a buyer’s or seller’s preparedness, about their charming pooch, or about how well their youngsters behave, locate some great things to say. Keep in mind that their initial introduction of you will be greatly affected by how you affect them.

Ask great questions. This, obviously, returns to being prepared. Have a rundown of inquiries in your head, yet then adjust it to fit the conversation. You would prefer not to fall off sounding “canned.”

You don’t have to limit your inquiries to their need to purchase or offer. Demonstrate an enthusiasm for them, as well. Ask about their careers, their interests, their fields of expertise. When you let people talk about themselves and their interests, and pay obvious attention to what they say, you’ll be known as a pleasant individual and a great conversationalist.

After the meeting … one more advance. Write a Thank You note.

Thank sellers for demonstrating to you their home. Either thank them for listing with you and reveal to them what comes straightaway, or in the event that they haven’t made a choice yet, thank them for thinking about you.

Thank buyers for allowing you to demonstrate them homes. In the event that they’ve consented to a buyer arrangement, thank them for that and assure them that you’ll be in contact regularly.

Hand-written thank you notes are rare, so you’ll stand out from each other agent your prospects have met.

Ideally, this meeting will bring about a listing or a relationship with a buyer, if not an immediate offer.

If not, stay in contact regularly. Regardless of whether that ought to be week after week, two times every week, or even daily relies on the prospect and their criticalness.

On the off chance that you aren’t sure what to say in development, consider utilizing future home seller letters.