Making Money in Probate Real Estate

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We hear every day how the real estate market is going under, but yet certain real estate investors are making money every day, regardless of market volatility. How?

By buying probate real estate.

Probate is the legal process property goes through when someone dies. The court gets a hold of the deceased estate (land, houses, cars, cash, etc.) and disperses it legally to heirs named in the will.

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As a probate real estate investor, you can make the heirs an offer they cant refuse for their probate real estate.

So how does one step in and pluck out incredible opportunities? Easy. With Profits in Probates, learn all the tricks of the trade, from how to find probates, how to bypass court delays, and how to make offers heirs will pounce on.

While the courts hold an estate in probate, its value gets chipped away at almost daily.

The government comes in first to take more than their share in taxes, then there are possible mortgage payments still due on the property, insurance premiums, lawyer fees, accountant fees, the list goes on and on. By the time the courts release the property to the heirs, theres hardly any value left in it at all for them, and they need to unload the property quick to pay for all those expenses.

Thats where you come in. As a probate real estate investor, you can make the heirs an offer they cant refuse for their probate real estate. Once you have it, it is at your disposal to make improvements upon and resell to new buyers anxious to move in.

So what if when you get the property it needs some work? You have already made the heir an offer 20%-50% below market value and they accepted; you have lots of spare cash for improvements to spruce it up for resale! More improvements means more profits on resale!

Every year, over a million estates go through probate. The process is long and drawn out, and heirs become frustrated and strapped for cash. Because you will know the secrets of locating these estates, you are able to step in and make them an offer for the probate real estate at a deep discount, and the heirs are in dire need of this liquid cash.

Now you have a dirt cheap property ready for you to work your magic and the heirs have the cash they need to free up the rest of their inheritance.

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Once you have bought the probate real estate and prepared it for resale, sit back and wait for profit to come knocking at the door

Once you have bought the probate real estate and prepared it for resale, sit back and wait for profit to come knocking at the door; profiting from probate real estate is incredibly achievable.

Death is a fact of life, and a fact of buying probate real estate is that this presents daily opportunities.

Probate real estate can include properties in high end neighborhoods and large rural ranch properties; income providing apartment buildings and condominiums; potential laden, diamond in the rough fixer-uppers can be found any and everywhere.

The voyage to starting your future in the profitable probate real estate market starts today with your copy of Profits in Probate Real Estate. Jump on, grab a hold, and enjoy the ride.