6 Little Known Ways To Get Seller Leads As A Realtor


1) FSBO & Expired LinkedIn Hunting

Calling FSBO’s and Expired listings is a great way to land new listings. But on top of that, you can use LinkedIn to really power up your conversion rate.   Here is the cool strategy I use to hunt people on LinkedIn: Step 1) Find their profile:  This can actually be a bit tough.  I typically search Google with this phrase: “FirstName LastName LinkedIn.” If the names

are common, I’ll also add the city they should be listed under. After you find their profile through Google, you should be able to view the entire profile.  Step 2) Connect With Them: Now you probably won’t have connections with them which means you can’t send over a connection.  Here’s a cool tip for fixing that. You’ll simply scroll down to their ‘groups’ section and join a group that they are also a member of. After you join that group, go to “members” and search for their name. You’ll now be able to connect with them. Step 3) Drip Them: This is the best part! You can now associate your LinkedIn profile with your CRM and add this new contact to your drip sequence.  The coolest thing I’ve seen when doing this is that your open rate Sky-rockets! Your emails are now being sent by “LinkedIn” This adds authority to your messages and gets them opened a lot more in my experience.

2) Pinterest Lead Siphoning

Pinterest drives a ton of traffic to websites. But what good is that if it doesn’t convert into leads? I’ve run some tests and it looks like you can get about 6-10% of Pinterest traffic to convert for “Free Home Valuation” offers.  So, the process looks like this. Step 1: Create a Pin using Canva just like this

These pins are basically going to be ads for our squeeze page.  After you have your pin made, you’ll need to create a landing page.  You can easily do that with Leadpages.  Here’s a video on how to setup your Pinterest Lead Capture Page:

And that’s it! I suggest making 1 pin a week and linking it up to your new squeeze page.

3) Steal From Trulia

Trulia is pretty good at getting seller leads so why not copy what’s working for them? The video above shows you how to setup a leadpage. What we are going to do is copy the look and feel Trulia’s Seller Lead Generation Page has.  Here’s a snapshot of it:

After you’ve created this page in LeadPages, I’d setup a Facebook Ad campaign that targets only people looking to sell soon. You can set this in the ad settings of your Facebook Ad.

4) Facebook Groups

Honestly, the biggest source of traffic and thus seller leads for any agent is probably Facebook Groups.  You don’t need to shell out tons of dollars to start. You can simply research some good topics people are interested in and then post those write-ups on your Facebook groups page. Here’s a cool step-by-step guide: Step 1) Research something people want 

to click I’d go to Topsy.com and type in real estate. You’ll find a whole list of articles that were shared over and over again. Step 2) Pick an article that was shared and re-write it I mean literally re-write it. Copy it. Paste it into your WordPress and re-write every sentence in your own words.  I find that following this method gets me a better article and takes less time. You don’t have to thing about how long your paragraphs should be because it’s already done for you. Plus, these articles tend to perform better because they were already successful. That means people generally want to read what they have to say. Step 3) Post it in applicable Facebook GroupsSimply go to Facebook and join as many local groups as possible.  Then, post your articles in groups that make sense.   This can get 300-500 people back to your website in a single day! Don’t be afraid to post in multiple groups.  To make this about seller leads, you’ll want to target groups related to moving sales and garage sales.  Post helpful articles for them about these topics. When they get back to your website, be sure to have lead capture setup.

5) Blogging

Honestly. There is no better way to build your business than blogging in 2015. This is seriously the best way to attract attention to your business. Click here to see how one Realtor is getting tons of leads and building credibility with it.  In order to get seller leads through blogging, you have to write helpful tips for sellers. One way to do this better is to offer an eBook on the best practices for sellers in exchange for an email address.  In this way, you can write articles or have them written for you.  I’ve seen consistent blogging generate tons of seller leads. This is really the key to any successful social media marketing plan.  You need your own blog to capture leads off of.

6) LeadPages

Finally, LeadPages. This awesome tool lets you build landing pages in seconds. I really recommend it to every Realtor.  You can build a landing page for everything from blog posts, social media posts, to digital ads. Want to test out some Bing Ads for real estate clients? It’s a lot easier with this tool. Here’s how it works:

1) Select your template: There are literally hundreds of templates to experiment with!

2) Edit your template: It’s just drag-and-drop simple! You can easily change the background, add a video, or add some text to your page. And that’s it! You’re ready to start collecting some seller leads.  I recommend designing the page after you figure out how you’ll get traffic to it. As that will really impact the way you design the landing page.

BONUS TIP: Use Virtual Sign In Sheets

Do you still use paper open house sign in sheets? Try setting up a real estate landing page, and having visitors register there next time!

Remember, seller leads are a numbers game!

These tactics work. But they work better together.  A good way to use this article would be to pick one strategy and really work it until you’re getting consistent leads from it. THEN move on to another strategy.  There are so many tactics, but at the end of the day this is all a numbers game! Let me know how you’re going to use these ideas to improve your numbers today! Talk with you in the comments 🙂  -Tyler